
Pastor's Welcome

Hello my Brothers and Sisters in Christ.

My name is Larry Neal. I am the Senior, Pastor at the Mount Zion Missionary Baptist Church (Mt. Zion MBC) located in Chatham County, North Carolina. Here at Mt. Zion MBC our motto is GOD FIRST!

I would like to take a few moments to say “Thank You” for visiting our website and to invite you to join us on Sunday mornings.

As Mt. Zion MBC prepares to proudly celebrate our 170th church anniversary later this year, we know that it was God who kept us and brought us from a mighty long way. Our lineage is long, but the good news is…we “ain’t” tired yet! We realize “the house of the Lord” is far more than just a building, as the Bible declares that we are the temple of God, however, there is still something quite amazing about gathering together on Sunday morning to worship the Lord!

Psalm 122:1 says, “I was glad when they said unto me, let us go into the house of the Lord.” This verse seems to jump off the pages of the Bible as the Psalmist declared with tremendous joy and anticipation he has at the mere mention of going to the house of the Lord. So, if you have been wondering, “What is church all about?” Well, in one word…Jesus! At Mt. Zion MBC, we enter to build a relationship with Jesus through our worship, and we exit to serve Him, by serving others!

You may also be wondering, “What can I expect at this church?” Well, primarily, we’re here to learn more about Jesus, to receive relevant teachings from the Bible, encouragement, direction, to find like- minded friends, and most importantly love.

We’re not perfect, we’re just trying to do our best for His Glory. So, let’s worship Him, let’s praise His Holy name, and let’s grow closer to Him as we grow closer to each other.

We’d love for you to worship with us. Our doors swing on welcome hinges.

Thank you again for visiting our website, and remember…GOD FIRST!

Larry M. Neal, Sr.
MT. Zion MBC (Chatham)
